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Burma / Myanmar: Enn (also Ann or Eng) women with characteristic black teeth, Wan Mai village near Kyaing Tong (Kengtung), Shan State

Burma / Myanmar: Enn (also Ann or Eng) women with characteristic black teeth, Wan Mai village near Kyaing Tong (Kengtung), Shan State

The Enn (also known as Ann or Eng) belong to the Mon-Khmer linguistic group and can be found only in a few villages to the north and west of Kyaing Tong (Kengtung) in the Shan hils of Shan State. They have lived in these hills for many centuries.

The Enn are related to their near neighbours, the Wa, Palaung and Loi, and are mostly animists and Buddhists, although a few have been converted to Christianity.

A defining characteristic of Enn women is their black teeth caused by using a black lipstick made from charred tree root and bark.


CPA Media Co. Ltd.


David Henley


Pictures From Asia