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Algeria: Rock painting of a giraffe, Tassili (Inauouanrhat), ca. 6000-4000 BCE.

Algeria: Rock painting of a giraffe, Tassili (Inauouanrhat), ca. 6000-4000 BCE.

Tassili n'Ajjer is a mountain range in the Sahara desert in southeast Algeria, North Africa. It extends about 500 km. The nearest town is Djanet, about 10 km southwest of the range. Much of the range, including the cypresses and archaeological sites, is protected in a National park, Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site, named the Tassili n'Ajjer National Park. The range is noted for its prehistoric rock paintings and other ancient archaeological sites, dating from neolithic times when the local climate was much moister, with savannah rather than desert. The art depicts herds of cattle, large wild animals including crocodiles, and human activities such as hunting and dancing. The art has strong stylistic links to the pre-Nguni Art of South Africa and the region, executed in caves by the San Peoples before the year 1200 BC.