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Vaisravana, sometimes spelt as Vaishravana or Visravana, is a Buddhist god and 'chief' of the Four Heavenly Kings, four deities who each protect one of the world's cardinal directions. Vaisravana is guardian of the north, and is derived from the Hindu deity Kubera. He makes his home on the lower half of the sacred Mount Meru, where he lords over all of <i>yaksha</i> (guardian spirits) who dwell there.<br/><br/>

Vaisravana is the ruler of rain, and thus is symbolically armed with an umbrella or a pagoda, while wearing heavy armour. The colours most associated with him are yellow or green, which is why he is often portrayed with a yellow face. Vaisravana is sometimes also portrayed with a mongoose ejecting jewels from its mouth, representing its generosity and antithesis to the snake, a common symbol of greed and hatred.<br/><br/>

In Theravada Buddhism, he is known as Vessavana, one of the Four Guardian Kings, while he is known as Bishamonten or just Bishamon - sometimes called Tamonten - in Japan, where he is portrayed as an armour-clad god of war and righteousness, as well as being one of the Seven Lucky Gods.
A Taoist deity, Mo-Li Shou was one of the Four Diamond Kings, and Guardian of the North. He is often depicted with a black face and holding two whips, as well as a pearl and a bag made of panther skin containing the rat Hua-Hu Tiao. He also plays a small role in the classic Ming Dynasty novel 'Fengshen Yanyi', alongside the other Diamond Kings.
A boy is dressed like the Buddhist Guardian King Bishamonten, holding a trident and wooden pagoda (that represents the relics of the historical Buddha). The boy's mother holds a calico cat (a 'tiger' symbol) while the family servant giggles and points at her young master. The inset shows a temple hall dedicated to Bishamonten, whose name appears on the red paper lantern inside the door.<br/><br/>

The gateway has modern wrought iron panels affixed to a traditional stone gatepost, and a rickshaw is being pulled down the street - all indications of the modern Meiji era. However, the stores seem to be traditional buildings, and the merchants have contributed the red paper lanterns that flank the gate, reading 'mid-merchants' (shonai chu) association (1893).<br/><br/>

Toyohara Chikanobu (豊原周延) (1838–1912), better known to his contemporaries as Yōshū Chikanobu (楊洲周延), was a prolific woodblock artist of Japan's Meiji period. His works capture the transition from the age of the samurai to Meiji modernity.<br/><br/>

In 1875 (Meiji 8), he decided to try to make a living as an artist. He travelled to Tokyo. He found work as an artist for the Kaishin Shimbun. In addition, he produced nishiki-e artworks. In his younger days, he had studied the Kanō school of painting; but his interest was drawn to ukiyo-e.<br/><br/>

Like many ukiyo-e artists, Chikanobu turned his attention towards a great variety of subjects. His work ranged from Japanese mythology to depictions of the battlefields of his lifetime to women's fashions. As well as a number of the other artists of this period, he too portrayed kabuki actors in character, and is well-known for his impressions of the mie (formal pose) of kabuki productions.<br/><br/>

Chikanobu was known as a master of bijinga, images of beautiful women, and for illustrating changes in women's fashion, including both traditional and Western clothing. His work illustrated the changes in coiffures and make-up across time. For example, in Chikanobu's images in Mirror of Ages (1897), the hair styles of the Tenmei era, 1781-1789 are distinguished from those of the Keio era, 1865-1867.